This week I shared a quote saying “Celebrate and Honour all you do.  You are worth it.”

It became very clear that I needed to take my own advice.  I needed to celebrate and honour myself before I could move forward onto my next project.

I sat with a candle burning brightly and I let my heart write what I needed to celebrate.

As I wrote the first line “I celebrate …” I had no idea that 5 A4 pages would be filled with a list that honoured the steps I’ve taken to reclaim my Body, heal from PTSD and live my Soul-Truth.  As well as creating BodyMastery.

It’s hard to explain the emotions I experienced as I celebrated.  I cried for reasons I don’t understand.  And I really don’t need to understand.

Maybe my heart just needed a deep cleansing, making room for more openness and joy.

So, here is part of my list.  Honestly, I feel very vulnerable sharing this, but I feel it’s Truth to do so.  If my words inspire another to heal and celebrate themselves, then I have served my purpose.

So here goes. 

I celebrate my courage to admit I was depressed and to seek help.
I celebrate myself for never giving up even though I wanted to … so many times.
I celebrate my commitment to heal my Body of trauma and PTSD.
I celebrate my voice and my courage to speak up.

I celebrate my devotion to my Body and dedication to creating Peace within.
I celebrate my strength and courage to keep fighting for my Joy.
I celebrate my courage to dance sober and give up drinking.
I celebrate my courage to live life as me – authentically, from my Soul-Truth.

I celebrate myself for choosing to love myself unconditionally.
I celebrate the self-belief I have cultivated within.
I celebrate my body’s capacity to heal and evolve from Love.
I celebrate my dedication to Peace and expressing my Soul-Purpose in the world.

I celebrate myself for having the courage to walk away from unhealthy relationships.
I celebrate myself for having the courage to open my heart to Love.
I celebrate my courage to embrace the parts of me I pushed away in shame.
I celebrate my vulnerability.

That’s my celebration list.  It feels good to write and honour my journey.  It feels good to take this time to celebrate the courageous steps I’ve taken to come back to myself and move deeper into Self-Love.

Are you willing to write your own list of self-celebration?  Will you share your celebration with someone?  If you feel it your Truth, you can share it with me.  I would be honoured to witness you.


Photo by Myonedaylife on Unsplash

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