Prepare your energy for the New Year
Sometimes when we set our intentions for a New Year, they are based upon old beliefs founded in disempowering societal paradigms, other people’s expectations and even our own subconscious self—sabotaging programs.
This is why giving yourself sacred space to drop into your Body and connect with your intuition is important. So the intentions you are setting are aligned with YOUR Soul-Truth and Desires, not everyone else’s.
As we enter the final days of 2022, I wanted to share a practice to help you prepare your energy for the year to come.
You may have already started the clearing, reflecting and opening. Or maybe you’ve been so busy, that you’re not hearing your intuitive voice calling for space to let go of the old to make way for the new.
No matter where you are right now, here is the transformative practice to help you say goodbye to 2022 and welcome in 2023 with clear intentions.
✨ Create a little sacred space for yourself. Light a candle. Have your notebook and pen handy. Bring things that you love … maybe a flower, an image or a crystal. Trust your intuition.
✨ Set an intention that you are preparing yourself and your energy for the new year.
Take a moment to hold this intention in your Heart. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Allow your whole body to relax. Softening into the cells.
Take 10 deep slow gentle breaths. Then allow the breath to come back to natural breathing.
Coming into stillness as you focus your awareness in your Heart Centre. Placing your hands on your Heart can help connect if you find your mind wandering.
✨ Reflect back over the year.
Write down your accomplishments, anything you feel proud of and want to celebrate. Even the moments that were tough but you made it through – was there a positive that came out of it? Note down the memories you have of your family and friends that make your heart smile.
Record the times you laughed, the times you cried. Celebrate your Body. Celebrate all of you. Before you move on, take a moment to read over the words.
Allow yourself to feel your Body responding. Allow yourself to lean into yourself with love and celebration. And if needed, deep compassion for those difficult times.
✨ Feel into what you want to let go of.
Write at the top of a page “What do I need to let go of that no longer serves my energy?”
Take a moment to be with this question. You might like to close your eyes and breathe into your Body. Creating a sense of stillness. Allowing your innate wisdom to bubble up to the surface. When you feel ready, start to write all the words that flow.
If you find your doubtful mind is getting in the way, simply say “Not now doubt, my intuition is writing (or whatever words feel truth)”.Keep writing until you feel complete. Trust. You will know.
This page can be earmarked for ripping up and burning. A little fire ceremony to help let go of the energy. Again, trust your intuition with this. If you do decide to burn the page, wait until after you’ve finished the following.
✨ Get clear on how you want to feel in 2023.
Write at the top of the page, “How do I want to feel in 2023?”
Again, take a moment to close your eyes and breath with this question. Place your hands over your Heart and connect with your innate wisdom; your Soul-Truth. When you feel ready, write the words that flow. Trusting what comes. There may be 1 word or many.
There is no right or wrong, only your Truth. The deeper you go with this process you may start to feel those little signs of “yes, that is my Truth”. This will help you strengthen your intuitive connection.
✨ Get clear on what you want-desire-wish for in 2023.
Write at the top of your page, “What do I desire for myself in 2023 that is aligned with my Soul-Truth”.
This is where you can write down your goals, desires, wants, needs, and affirmations; basically, anything that will honour your life, body, health, wellbeing and energy. And is always aligned with your Soul-Truth and your journey forward.
When you’ve finished writing, close your eyes again. Breathe. Celebrate yourself for taking the time to create space for your New Year.
Your intentions are set. Be ready for the inspiration that flows.
Enjoy this beautiful process. Wishing you a wonderful intuitive self-loved filled 2023.
With Love, Jane xx
PS Remember, each day, make a commitment to listen to your intuition. To walk your path. To deepen into Self-Love and create a loving compassionate relationship with your Body.
When we choose to live this way, life seems to flow with magic and grace.
And, if you know you’ll need reminding along the way, join me for 365 days of Self-Love Ritual in 2023.