When my first son was 1 year old, I was in a state of depression.  My head was full of negative scenarios.  Full of words I wanted to scream at people and at myself.  Full to the brim.

I was on a 24 hour loop of negativity.  All day thinking, all night dreaming and waking up for another round.  I was struggling. BIG time.

Seeking support from a Reiki practitioner, she helped clear away the clutter and gave me respite from the constant barrage of negative thoughts.  Driving home after the session I noticed my head was quiet.  It felt SO GOOD!

She also gave me some homework.  I was to practice Self-Forgiveness.

Day one of my homework practice.  I repeated the words “With Love in my heart I forgive myself”, three times.  Breathe in.  Breathe out.

Day two. I repeated the words “With Love in my heart I forgive myself”.  Three times, again.

Then on the third day, something profound happened.

After repeating the 3rd repetition I was guided by a strong intuitive force to drop my awareness down into my Heart-centre.  It was black.  And I was nervous.  But I knew I had to keep following this inner-voice.

I was guided to walk deeper into my heart, as if I could walk down stairs.  “Deeper” came the guidance.  More stairs.  More blackness.  Down and down I walked into my centre.

All of a sudden I found myself experiencing a very clear inner-vision.  I was running with two children through a field of sunflowers, laughing and feeling so much JOY.  The blackness transformed into the centre of a giant sunflower and we were running into the middle!

My eyes popped open.  I was in shock.  Right then I realised … I had forgotten I LOVED SUNFLOWERS!

I couldn’t believe it!  I had FORGOTTEN that I LOVED SUNFLOWERS.

Let me explain why this realisation was so profound.  

I was a sunflower girl.  I LOVED them.  Seeing them made every cell of my Body smile with JOY.  I would give them as gifts.  I used to have a dress with sunflower print.  One of my dreams was to visit the sunflower fields in Tuscany.  Sunflowers made my heart sing.

And somewhere along my journey I had shut myself down to the Light of the Sunflower.

But through the simple practice of Self-Forgiveness, the Light had been reignited.  I had woken up and reconnected with my love for Sunflowers.  I had woken up and reconnected to my Soul.

And so began my love affair with Self-Forgiveness.

That was 12 years ago.

Continued practice of Self-Forgiveness has helped to heal the relationship I have with myself and my Body.  It has helped transform a lifetime of self-hating habits into habits that are filled with Self-Love and Self-Compassion.  

I believe wholeheartedly Self-Forgiveness supports the creation of peace in our Bodies.  It transforms old stuck shame-filled energies into Love, creating space for our Soul-Essence to flow from within every cell.

Self-Forgiveness helps to transform old subconscious belief-systems that sabotage our Soul-inspired dreams and desires.

Self-Forgiveness gives you another option instead of criticising yourself for doing something you perceive to be “wrong”.   It helps you get off the criticising yourself for criticising yourself cycle.

If you find yourself being unkind towards yourself and your body, remember these words …

“With Love in my Heart, I Forgive myself”.

These words will bring you back to LOVE.  They will help you create a new Soul-filled way to live.  They will help you cultivate a loving compassionate relationship with your Body.

The time of self-hatred is over.  It is time for Peace inside of you.  And you have the Power to create this change.  You have the Power to choose.

Simply Forgive yourself.


Photo by Lucas Silva Pinheiro Santos on Unsplash

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