Today, I need to acknowledge my anger. I need to acknowledge how I’m feeling. I want to eat so I can avoid the uncomfortable. But my body is saying “No Jane, ride this one out. Let the anger come up. Give it a voice. Write it out.”

So that’s what I’m doing. I’m sitting here with my anger. With this tight feeling in my stomach. This scratchy feeling in my left shoulder blade that moves up into my throat and jaw. Feeling this ball of tension at the base of my skull. And as I feel this, tears come. I let them out. No holding back.

“Keep writing Jane” is the message from my Body.

Breathe.  Tightness in my neck and the base of my skull.  Breathe.

Feel it. Don’t look away. Breathe. Let your Body move. Stretch. Let your Body have its say.

What does the anger want to say?

I really don’t know. It’s simply the feeling of anger. Rage even. And a whole heap of “Fuck you”. Not projected at anyone or anything.

These words are there giving a voice to my anger. Letting the anger come out of my body. Allowing the contraction that I’ve held here for so long to relax. Giving space for Joy to flow. For happiness and creativity to spark.

Yes, let the anger have its voice. Give it space to move and transform.

Tightness in the back of my head. Feel it. Breathe. Sadness. Pain. Hurt. Anger. Fuck you. Yes, give your body a voice. Give it space. Breathe.

Little bit by little bit. Not all at once. It takes time.

Remember to rest. Be gentle. Be kind. Treat yourself with Compassion. Acknowledge your courage to face what is within; to embrace and feel it; to give it a voice; to heal.

Remember when you suppress anger, you suppress Joy and all those amazing feelings that come with being Human. It’s time for your Body to be free of these old stuck emotions. It’s time to channel the power of anger to move forward and create something beautiful. It is time for Peace.

As I write these words a sense of relief comes to me.  I feel acknowledged.  I feel heard.  Yes, the anger and tension is still there, but there has been a shift.  And I will continue to embrace it with Love and give it a voice.

We all like to be heard.  Our Body is exactly the same.  It is constantly in conversation with us, we just need to take a moment to listen to what it has to say.


Photo by Arūnas Naujokas on Unsplash

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